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How To Get A GoDaddy Free Website In India

In this post, we’ll talk about GoDaddy free website. What comes to mind when GoDaddy is mentioned? Well, for some is web hosting, domains, or marketing tools.

In this age of the internet, I would say that there is something more important. And it’s websites, of course!

If you are marketing online, creating a web presence for your company or product is necessary. GoDaddy offers the tools to create that website.

You can get a free mini-website using GoDaddy which includes your domain name No credit card is required to get a GoDaddy free website, so it’s completely free!

However, you will have to enter your payment information if you want to use the site past the 14-day free trial. It’s a great way to test out a hosting provider before committing to one.

However, Godaddy does offer very affordable hosting. If you need more than just a free web page, check out their plans.

However, if you are happy with your free website and don’t want to upgrade or pay for anything else, that’s fine too!

Well, let’s get to know what GoDaddy is.

What is GoDaddy?

It’s a web service provider, that ensures everyone stays online. GoDaddy provides the necessary tools to keep your online transaction smooth.

It is an all-in-one platform that one can use to accomplish a lot. Such as:

  • Registering domain names
  • Have websites built
  • Get website hosting for your very own domain name
  • Purchase marketing tools to promote your product or business.
  • Get security tools
  • And more.
GoDaddy homepage

You can also utilize their email services so getting an address would be easy. The setup process is fast and quick!

GoDaddy offers a lot of free stuff, which is why many people love them. But it’s also the reason why some people hate them.

Many people feel that GoDaddy is a bit aggressive in terms of marketing and up-selling their various services.

But they have been around for a long time now and most people don’t have a problem with the way they operate.

GoDaddy Services:

1. Free website builder

GoDaddy has a free website builder that allows you to create a basic website in just minutes. You can add your domain name, add an image or logo to the site and add your contact information.

You will be able to connect it with one of their hosting plans if you decide to go past the free trial period.

GoDaddy free website builder

It ensures that you create an online presence for your product or company. It’s a great way to get started and start building your online presence.

Besides, the website builder is easy to use. With just drag and drop you can create any website with ease.

It eliminates the hassle of hiring someone or having to learn about coding and web design. You get to save a lot and launch your online presence instantly.

2. Free email hosting

GoDaddy offers free email hosting for life! You can sign-up and utilize their services right away.

You don’t have to pay anything and you get:

  • Unlimited storage
  • Aliases (meaning multiple addresses)
  • Spam-filtering tools
  • Security options, and support.

All this for free! You can also utilize their email services so getting an address would be easy. The setup process is fast and quick!

3. Free online store

GoDaddy offers a lot of tools that you can utilize for your business or product. You can create an eCommerce website with a free store.

You get:

  • A site to host your items
  • Shopping carts and payment processing
  • Data security tools, and more.

If you have a product or service you want to sell online, making an eCommerce website is the best way to go about it!

The free options are great, but if you need more than what they offer, their paid plans have a lot to offer as well.

4. Domains

When it comes to domains, GoDaddy has the best domain prices around. It’s very easy to search for a domain name, see who’s selling it and buy it at the cheapest price possible.

They also have auctions if you want to purchase a domain name and resell it at a higher price. It may be worth checking out if you have the proper knowledge and tools to do so.

5. Website hosting

After purchasing your domain, their website hosting plans come next. They offer:

  • VPS (Virtual Private Server) designs that allow you to utilize their services like it’s your dedicated hosting account.
  • A simple shared plan that allows you to utilize their tools without the added features of a VPS. The downside is that you can’t make many changes unless you know what you are doing.

The prices are very affordable and they offer various discounts if you choose to go with one of their paid plans.

They also offer a free plan to get you started with their hosting services. GoDaddy offers a variety of hosting plans.

6. Marketing tools

GoDaddy ensures that you can market your product or service to the world. You can choose to utilize their free tools or take advantage of their paid plans depending on what you need.

Marketing is important if you want people to know about your website, product, service, and more! It’s great that GoDaddy offers many options for marketing so it’s worth checking them out.

Why GoDaddy?

GoDaddy ensures that you can utilize their various services across the board to make your website perfect!

They offer a lot of great features and tools, all for a very low price! Their free plan is enough if you want to get started with their services or need a very basic site.

It’s still great for testing out your products and services before you commit to anything. If you need more, they offer many paid plans that include all of their excellent tools and features!

Their website hosting is affordable and they keep their domains cheap as well. Their various marketing tools are available for everyone, whether it’s free or through one of their paid plans.

GoDaddy is a great way to get started with your site and services! They offer many options to suit anyone’s needs, whether it’s for personal or business use.

From them, you also have the advantage of utilizing their basic site building tools, free website hosting, to more advanced plans with their paid services.

GoDaddy helps you build and market your website, all for an affordable price! It’s easy to get started with GoDaddy and it’s very versatile.

They also offer support whenever you need it. Be sure to read their terms of service before asking questions or using their paid features.

Are GoDaddy free websites safe?

Yes, GoDaddy takes security concerns seriously. If you are still unsure, check out their support page for instructions on how to verify your website’s security.

One isn’t worried about their website safety with GoDaddy, as they take their customers’ security concerns seriously.

Check them out today if you want a great website hosting service that offers all the tools you need, whether it’s for personal or business use!

GoDaddy guarantees safe transactions and secure servers. Your clients and their data are protected.

Are GoDaddy free websites really free?

Yes, they are! If you want to get started with building your website without the stress of high fees, check out GoDaddy!

Their free plan is great if you want to test out their service before committing to anything. It has all the tools you need, like a domain and hosting.

GoDaddy has a great free plan that’s perfect if you want to try their services or need a very basic website.

They offer many options for paid services too, depending on what you need. It’s easy to get started with GoDaddy.

How to get a GoDaddy free website

Getting a GoDaddy free website is easy. All you need is a GoDaddy domain (.com, .net, or .org) and an email account to get started.

Here is the procedure:

 1. Visit

This is the homepage of GoDaddy. Click on the Websites tab. A drop-down list appears, next click on a website builder.

This will take you to another page, the GoDaddy website builder. From this page, you can check out templates, plans, features…

Also, check out their support and the help before proceeding to get started for free! Once you click on start for free, proceed to create an account.

2. Create account

The account is very important since you will be receiving emails from GoDaddy and the email address needs to be valid.

After creating an account, enter your contact information and click on continue. Your contact information will be used for verification purposes if needed later on such as receiving security messages or completing transactions.

This is also where you can choose a plan that suits you best. You get useful features depending on the plan.

For instance, you get a free web host if it’s included in your plan. You can also choose to add other services to your list such as marketing tools, etc.

GoDaddy account creation

There are three ways you can create an account:

  • Use Facebook- this means using your Facebook account to create a GoDaddy account.
  • Continue with Google- use Gmail to sign up for GoDaddy and create an account.
  • Continue with email- this means using a current email address to sign up for GoDaddy and create an account.

You can choose any of these options under the Continue with … button. Whichever you choose, proceed by putting in your information.

3. Website creation

After creating the account, you are taken to your dashboard where you can begin building your website. You are allowed to access any service that’s included in the plan that you chose earlier for free!

But first, you need to choose a category for your website. The category will help you to build a website that best suits your topic.

Proceed to name your website. This is the name people will see when they visit your site. Have a good name that best describes the website.

Choose a name for your site and click on next. This takes you to choose a plan, you can choose to continue for free.

4. Edit site

GoDaddy free website editor

Here are three things to do:

1. Choose a theme

The theme is how your website will look. There are various themes you can choose from. The look of your website will depend on the theme you pick.

You can click on view themes to see the numerous designs. You will be able to preview each design then select one that suits your needs.

A good theme best shows how your website will look. Some themes even have matching backgrounds and colors for easy customization!

2. Click on any image or text to edit

The themes come with images and text. You just need to click on one and start editing and putting your content.

This editing is easy and fast but can be done later on. You can always go back and edit the site later on if needed.

3. Publish your site

This means that your website is ready for everyone to view. Once you publish it goes live and will be available online.

Choose whether to use the subdomain from GoDaddy or connect your domain. A custom domain looks professional and can be your brand’s name.

After customizing your website, click on view. This will take you back to your dashboard where you can begin building or adding pages.

That’s how simple it is to get a GoDaddy free website. Let’s get into the alternatives.

GoDaddy Free Website Alternatives


It’s a free website builder that offers a ton of free best tools to use to build a free website with ease. OLITT eliminates the process of coding and web design.

OLITT Free website builder

The user interface is easy to use and offers a good amount of website templates. They also have a paid plan which is also affordable.

With OLITT everyone is a developer. It just takes you less than 10 minutes to have your website live. Get transacting conveniently and reach out to many.

2. Wix

It’s an easy-to-use website builder that anyone can use. It’s popular and reliable. It offers a free plan that lets you create a website for free.

If you need to add more features, you will need to pay a fee and also get the paid plans. This site provides countless online tools and features which you can use to make your website unique.

Wix Free website builder

Wix supports HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript/jQuery and PHP. Their websites are ready for businesses, personal sites, blogs, and portfolios.

Get Wix and build your online presence instantly. Get to build secure and reliable websites that everyone can have access to.

3. Weebly

It’s another popular GoDaddy free website alternative that offers a free plan with many features. Weebly enables you to establish a great online presence.

Individuals and small businesses can use Weebly to create a free website in minutes. If you want more features, you can choose the paid plan.

Weebly website builder

The number of designs that are easy to use. You can use them or just replace them with another one. Weebly saves you a ton of things.

It ensures that your website creation process is smooth. It helps you reach out to many with ease. Get Weebly now and start showcasing and more.

4. Squarespace

Squarespace is another good GoDaddy free website alternative that offers a 14-day trial. This site provides designs, tools, and features that allow you to build websites. It’s straightforward.

Squarespace website builder

The number of designs is in the thousands. But if you need more, you can always get the paid plans for more features.

The paid plan is also affordable and goes to your needs. If you just want a simple website, you can choose the free plan.

If you want a professional website with more features, the paid plans are affordable and worth it. This site lets you create your website in minutes.

It’s easy to use and has templates that are well designed. With Squarespace, you can have a website for your business, portfolio, or even personal blog.

Wrap up,

With GoDaddy’s free website alternatives, you can now enjoy the convenience of having a site. It’s safe to say that these are the best free website builders.

They offer reliable features that you can use to build a simple or advanced website for your business, portfolio, or blog.

There are a lot of options so you can choose the one that’s right for your needs and budget. Get creating an online presence for free!


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