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10 Easy Ways to Make Money Blogging in India

Do you want to make money from your blog in India but not sure how? Well, you are in the right place.

Blogging is indeed a profitable concept and following these simple guidelines can help you get started and make money from your blog within months, not years.

But, before getting into the details of how to make money from your blog, let’s take you through some of the key considerations that should go into deciding whether or not to start blogging in India.

What You Need to Know Before You Start Blogging in India

1. Why should you start blogging in India?

Blogging is one of the most powerful ways to reach out to people.

Your blog can be a source of income and a great brand-building exercise if you are doing it right.

In fact, with such huge competition on the internet, bloggers have to work really hard if they want to stand out in the crowd and make big bucks from their blogs.

And without a strong ‘why’, you will struggle a lot to show up and keep working on your blog.

2. What’s your blogging niche?

The first step towards making money from your blog in India is deciding on your subject matter.

You need to focus on a particular niche so that you can cater content related to that subject and have higher chances of establishing an audience base for yourself which will eventually become your loyal readers and followers who will keep coming back for more of your content.

We have talked about some of the most profitable blogging niches before.

If you don’t know yours yet, go through the list and make an informed choice. It’s not that hard.

3. How often should you publish posts?

You need to create an editorial calendar or a schedule for publishing posts on a regular basis so that people know when they can expect new content from you and when they should return back for new updates on your blog. 

The ideal frequency is once or twice per week, but it completely depends on your subject matter and how frequently topics related to that niche get mentioned across the internet (or any other media). 

For example, if you write about technology news then publishing news stories twice per week would be more than enough because technology news happens frequently in today’s world with multiple sources reporting about different stories almost every day. 

On the other hand, if you write about health and fitness then you can publish posts once or twice per week because health and fitness topics don’t happen as frequently as technology news does. 

Also, it is important that you stick to the schedule you have created for yourself, otherwise, readers will lose interest in following your blog.

4. What should be the length of your posts?

You need to decide the length of each post depending on the type of topic you write about and how much content can be included in a single post (in terms of words). 

Every post should have some value for your readers, so make sure that your posts are not too short or too long. 

But here is the truth:

There is no standard length for an article, but if you want to make sure that people actually read your entire article then keep it between 1000-2000 words (at least).

If it is shorter than 1000 words then people might think that there is not enough information in it and they may not bother reading it at all.

Again, if it is longer than 2000 words then they might lose interest somewhere in between and won’t finish reading the entire article.

So find a good balance between those two extremes, but again this depends on what kind of niche you are writing about (some niches require more content than others).

5. What should be included in every blog post?

Before you make money writing blogs in India, first make sure the articles are well structured.

You need to include certain things in every single blog post which will help readers to get more out of them such as: 

  • Title: The first thing people usually see when visiting a blog is the title. Make sure that your title is attractive and it clearly shows what the article is about. If you can make it catchy as well then even better.
  • Introduction: People will not read your entire article if they do not know what to expect from it, so make sure that you include an introduction at the beginning that clearly explains what you are going to talk about in the post. You can also use this section to explain how your niche works and why people should care about it. 
  • Main body: The main body of your post should probably contain most of the information (at least 80%). This is where all of your content goes, so try to keep it interesting and entertaining for your readers. If you want them to share it with their friends as well then make sure that there are some quotes or statistics that they can share on social media or in the comments (make sure you ask them for a share before publishing). 
  • Conclusion: The last thing people will read in a blog post is usually the conclusion which sums up everything that has been said throughout the article and gives some final thoughts on the subject. It may also give some final advice or suggestions on how they can work with this information themselves, but don’t overdo this part because if you do not have anything else interesting to say then readers will stop reading right here (you cannot go wrong with “thanks for reading” though). 
  • Resources: Some people may want more information related to what they have just read in an article. It is a good idea to include some additional resources that they can read later on. This is also where you can link to your own guides, tutorials, or reviews that you have written in the past. 
  • Social media: If you have any social media accounts (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc.) then you should add some links to them in the article (especially if they are relevant). 
  • A call to action: This is the final step and it’s not optional. It’s a small part at the end of your article that will tell your visitors what you want them to do next. This can be a link to another blog post or an affiliate link. 

6. How will your audience find your posts?

It is important to decide where you will publish your posts because this will have a great impact on the number of people who will actually find your content. 

Some of the most popular places where you can publish your blog posts are:

  • Your own website (I recommend WordPress)
  • Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.
  • Blogs related to your niche (you can guest blog)
  • Forums related to your niche
  • People who are subscribed to your mailing list or RSS feed
  • Other bloggers who share their content on social media websites and forums (you can use social media tools like the Buffer app )

If you want to get more traffic from search engines then you should write blog posts and share them on different websites and platforms that are relevant to the specific topic you write about. 

You have to be consistent with publishing new content on those sites because it takes time for search engines to discover new content on other sites (they don’t index everything at once). 

Also, try using different keywords in your title tags and meta descriptions so that search engines can find more relevant results when someone is searching for a specific topic. 

For example, if someone is looking for information about how to lose weight fast then they will probably type something like “how do I lose weight fast” in Google, so use this exact phrase in your title tag as well as meta description so that you get found when someone searches for this keyword. 

Also, make sure that each post has a unique title tag and meta description because Google doesn’t like duplicate content and will penalize your rankings if you have duplicate content on your blog.

Why did I include all of this information?

Well, they are all more important than even making money blogging in India.

Without these guidelines, it is easy to get lost and not know what you did wrong.

Now that you have a good foundation, let us look at some of the best ways to make money blogging in India.

10 Easy Ways to Make Money Blogging in India

1).  Google Adsense

Google Adsense is probably the most popular way to make money blogging in India. 

The concept is simple, you place Google ads on your blog and when someone clicks on the ad, Google pays you some money. You can sign up for Google Adsense here.

2). Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a concept wherein companies pay you a commission for each product or service sale that you refer to them. 

This is another easy way to make money blogging in India and it does not require any website of your own. 

You can sign up with companies like Amazon, Flipkart Myntra, etc. and start promoting their products/services using your blog as a medium.

Read how to get into affiliate marketing in India.

3). Digital Products (E-books, Software)

Another easy way to make money blogging in India is by selling digital products on the internet. 

There are many ways to do this but one thing that all these methods have in common is that they require zero investment and they only need your time and effort. 

You can write e-books, and software or create online courses/videos by yourself or sell other people’s digital products through affiliate marketing programs like Clickbank.

4). Offer Paid Services

There are many websites where you can offer paid services like article writing, website designing, etc.

These services are usually offered via freelance websites like Freelancer .com,, etc.

While these freelance platforms can be a great place to make money blogging in India, it is not enough and reliable.

You can use your blog as a platform to market your services. All you have to do is add a ‘hire me’ page on your blog.

5). Start a Niche Blog

You can start a niche blog on any topic that interests you and write about it regularly. 

Make sure to create quality content, add value to your readers, and have good SEO on your blog so that you get more traffic and eventually monetize your blog by selling ads or by promoting affiliate products/services on it.

6). Paid To Read Emails

This is an easy way to make money blogging in India, but it requires some initial investment. There are many websites like InboxDollars, Paid Viewpoint, etc., which will pay you for reading emails or completing other small simple tasks online. 

You need to register with these sites and complete the tasks they specify (You will get paid via PayPal).

7). Selling Ad Space on Your Blog 

If you have a popular blog then you might be able to sell ad space on your blog. This is one of the most popular ways of making money blogging in India because it does not require much effort from your side and all you need is some time, patience, and creativity while writing content for your website/blog. 

It is also very easy to set up an ad network if you have a popular website or blog as advertisers will be more than willing to pay a good amount of money just for a few clicks (CPM).  

Unfortunately, Mediavine only allows publishers from the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, etc., but there are many other ad networks like, Adsterra, Adsense Alternatives, etc., which will allow you to sell ad space on your website/blog from any part of the world.

8). Selling Your Own Products

If you have a product that you want to sell online, then you can use your blog/website as a platform for selling it and earn money blogging in India. 

You can either create your own product or promote other people’s products and services through your website/blog and get paid for each sale that you make. 

9). Start a paid community/newsletter service

If you want to start making money from your blog, then you should create a community or a newsletter service. Your subscribers will become your customers and you can earn money from their purchases.

For this to work, you will need to have a topic that people would be willing to pay for access.

As such, you need to study your target market inside out, figure out what they are interested in and then offer them the content they want.

Once you know enough, create a content plan, this will help you create articles and blog posts on a regular basis, which in turn will increase your chances of making money.

10). Create an online store

If you have a large following, then you can start selling your products online. It can be an online store or an online shop where you sell your own products.

This is a profitable business model because you will be able to make sales on a regular basis and you can also earn a commission for every product sold.

Final Thoughts

In order to make money blogging in India, you need to focus on building an audience and knowledge of your niche. 

There are many ways to do this but one thing that all these methods have in common is that they require zero investment and they only need your time and effort. 

You can find a variety of resources online like blogs, forums, etc., where you can learn more about the topics that interest you and write articles/blogs on it regularly. 

You also need to create quality content for your blog/website and make sure that it is well written so that people feel comfortable reading it. 

Finally, you should market your blog/website by using social media like Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Pinterest, etc., which will help you reach out to more people who are interested in what you have to say about the topic or niche that interests them.

If any of these steps do not work for you then there are other ways of making money blogging in India besides selling ads on your website or promoting affiliate products/services on it.


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