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Top 4 Strategies To Monetize Your Blogspot Blog in India

Last updated on February 9th, 2024 at 09:37 am

Do you have a BlogSpot blog in India and would love to monetize it?

Well, there are many different strategies available for monetizing your blog, and understanding which ones will work best for you is key to maximizing your potential earning potential. 

In this article, we’ll discuss some of the most effective ways to monetize your BlogSpot blog, from using affiliate marketing and displaying adverts to selling products as a vendor.

Blog monetization starts with a strategy

When looking to monetize your blog, you must be strategic and prepared to put in hard work. 

And it doesn’t just happen.

It starts by first choosing a niche with a demand for information.

Your blog should be there to solve problems the target audience is facing.

And that’s why knowing what drives your readership is essential to determine the best ways to reach them. 

Quality content that appeals to the audience and builds a relationship with them as friends and experts can help convert them into paying customers.

Above all, create an effective SEO strategy. 

This should include keyword research as well as optimizing your on-page content. 

It is your chance to draw the right visitors to your BlogSpot blog and make money.

When to monetize your BlogSpot blog in India

For your venture to be successful, you need to focus and make valuable content that resonates with your targeted audience. 

As you become a recognized authority that draws more and more visitors, you may ask yourself if this is the proper moment to monetize your blog and how to do it.

If you’re planning to monetize your blog in India, you should have a certain amount of traffic. 

No single number works for everyone, but it’s important to be sensible. 

Traffic should be regular and consistent. 

If you are receiving regular visitors, this may be the perfect time to start monetizing your blog.

That said, let’s look at proven ways to monetize your BlogSpot blog in India.

Affiliate marketing: Earn income through product recommendations

a. What is Affiliate Marketing 

Affiliate marketing involves referring readers from your blog to products and services of other companies.

And in return?

You receive a commission when they make a purchase. 

It is one of the best ways to make money with a BlogSpot blog in India without creating or selling any products on your own. 

To start with affiliate marketing, you need to find an affiliate program that fits your blog’s content. 

Once you’ve found a suitable program, you can start including links and banners for the company in various places around your blog posts. 

When visitors click on these links, they will be directed to the company’s website, where they may make purchases or sign up for services, earning them a commission. 

b. Affiliate Marketing Pros and Cons


  • Affiliate Marketing allows for a passive income stream for businesses. 
  • There is low overhead cost associated with Affiliate Marketing since there is no need to buy or maintain inventory. 
  • Affiliate Marketing can quickly reach large target audiences due to the power of digital marketing platforms like social media and blogs. 
  • Businesses can receive valuable customer data which can be used to make informed decisions about their marketing strategies. 
  • It is possible to track the performance of affiliate campaigns in real time and make adjustments accordingly. 


  • It can be difficult to generate significant income from Affiliate Marketing as it involves promoting other businesses’ products/services in order to earn commissions, often at a low rate.  
  • It can be hard to compete against well established Affiliates who already have an audience and influence in specific niches or markets. 
  • The success of an Affiliate Marketing campaign relies heavily on the quality of content and promotion, which can be time-consuming and costly. 
  • There is a risk of fraudulent activity with Affiliate Marketing which can lead to financial losses and damage to a brand’s reputation.

c. Best Practices for inserting affiliate links in your blog

Yes, affiliate links are a great way to monetize your blogSpot blog. 

Still, if done incorrectly, they can damage both your website’s credibility and your readers’ engagement. 

Here is what you need to do to have a better shot at success.

First, ensure that you are only linking to products or services you have personally used and trust. 

This will ensure that any promoted product is in-line with the quality of content on your website. 

Be transparent about affiliate links when promoting them. 

Readers should know that you are receiving a commission for any purchases made via the link. 

Secondly, always strive to provide value within any post containing an affiliate link. 

Don’t just add a link without adequate explanation, as this will unlikely inspire readers to click through and purchase something from the affiliated merchant.   

Finally, consider adding custom tracking codes to your affiliate links. 

This will allow you to monitor each link’s success and optimize your strategy.

Google Adsense: Offer advertising on your blog to make money 

Google Adsense is a popular monetization method for bloggers in India.

a. What is Google Adsense 

In itself, it is an advertising platform that places advertisements on websites and blogs in exchange for money. 

With it, you can display targeted ads from Google’s network of advertisers, and get paid when visitors click on the ad or perform other actions. 

Adsense is easy to set up, requires no maintenance or managing by the blog owner once it’s running, and can generate significant revenue with minimal effort. 

Better part?

There are a variety of different types of ads available through Adsense, such as text-based ads, images, and video-based ads.

So you can choose which ones best suit your content and audience. 

You can customize your ad placements and target them according to specific geographic regions or interests. 

b. Google Adsense Pros and Cons


  • Easy to set up and use.
  • Ability to customize ads to fit the look of the blog. 
  • Large selection of ad formats, including text, image and video ads.
  • Low maintenance – no need to actively promote or manage ads. 
  • Generates revenue while visitors remain on the blog. 


  • Low payouts for most websites – often not worth the effort required to maintain AdSense advertisements over time. 
  • Generally cannot be used with other advertising networks simultaneously, limiting potential additional revenue streams from a blog if other advertising networks are desired or necessary for higher earnings potentials. 
  • Limited control over which ads appear on a blog; it is entirely dependent on Google’s targeting algorithms and relevancy metrics which can sometimes fail in displaying contextually relevant advertisements that may be more profitable than those displayed when using AdSense alone as a monetization strategy for a blog. 
  • Ads may be blocked by ad-blocking software, reducing potential revenue from AdSense ads. 
  • May be difficult to achieve a high click-through rate (CTR) due to the competitive nature of the AdSense platform.

c. Best Practices to make more money with Google Adsense 

To maximize your earnings, there are some things you should follow when implementing AdSense into your BlogSpot blog in India.

First, have an effective ad placement strategy for optimum visibility and engagement with readers. 

Place ads in areas where they won’t be intrusive but will still benefit from prominent placement such as along the sidebars and below posts. 

You should also experiment with different ad sizes and colors to see what works best for your site. 

Secondly, make sure your blog’s content matches up with the ads served by AdSense. 

This will help ensure that the ads shown are relevant to your readers and more likely to be clicked on. 

Third, try to drive more traffic to your blog. 

It is actually a numbers game.

The more visitors you have, the more chances of your ads being seen and clicked on. 

You can strategically use social media and other sources to promote your blog.

Finally, keep track of your AdSense performance. 

Monitor which posts and pages are generating the most clicks and impressions so you can adjust your ad placements accordingly. 

This will help ensure you’re maximizing your AdSense earnings.

Sponsored Posts: Charge people to post articles on your blog

This is another lucrative strategy to monetize your BlogSpot blog in India.

a. What is a Sponsored Post 

Sponsored post is actually a type of content created by bloggers and other influencers that advertise a product or service on behalf of a brand. 

It is usually featured on the blog or social media platforms, and readers can identify it as advertising materials due to the use of hashtags like “sponsored” or “ad”. 

If you accept sponsored posts in your blogSpot blog in India, keep in mind that you must disclose the sponsored post clearly and prominently. 

Most brands require bloggers to include an endorsement disclaimer in their post, which may look something like #ad or #sponsored. 

This helps ensure transparency between the brand and reader so that readers understand when the advertiser has paid for content. 

Most importantly, it protects both parties from legal issues down the road. 

b. Sponsored Posts Pros and Cons


  • Can generate income for the blog and the blogger. 
  • Creates a win-win situation for sponsors and bloggers, who both benefit from increased visibility and reach. 
  • Increases traffic to the blog by allowing more people to discover it through sponsored content. 
  • Can provide additional resources and insights to readers from sponsors whose expertise may be superior in certain areas of knowledge. 
  • Allows bloggers to focus on what they’re passionate about while simultaneously earning money from their work. 


  • Quality of content can be adversely affected if the sponsor’s interests are prioritized over those of readers or users’ experiences are compromised as a result of too much sponsored material on the blog or website.  
  • It’s difficult to strike a balance between creating engaging content that satisfies sponsors yet still appeals to readers in terms of value, relevancy, originality and authenticity.  
  • Can create a conflict of interest if the blogger is paid to promote a particular product or service which they may not personally believe in or use.
  • Can be time-consuming and requires a lot of effort to manage sponsorships effectively.
  • Depending on the terms of the sponsorship, bloggers may not have full control over their content or be able to maintain their blog’s independence.

c. Best Practices to make more money with sponsored posts 

First, make sure that the sponsored content is high quality and fits in with the overall theme of your blogSpot. 

This means researching the company or product you will be writing about and ensuring it fits with the topics you usually post about on your blog. 

Be honest in all of your posts – readers can tell if a post is biased or not genuine, so it’s essential to be authentic and stay true to yourself as a blogger. 

Second, make sure that the sponsored post is well-written and engaging. 

Even if the content is sponsored, readers will still expect it to be interesting and informative. 

Take the time to create quality content that your readers will enjoy and appreciate. 

Third, promote your sponsored post as much as possible. 

Utilize your blogSpot’s social media platforms, email lists, and other channels to get the word out about your post. 

AND even work with the company or product to promote the post on their social media as well. 

Finally, track and measure the success of your sponsored post to determine which companies or products are the most successful, and what types of content your readers are responding to. 

This will help you refine your strategy for future sponsored posts and maximize the profits that you make. 

Selling Products/Services: Sell things to make money from your Blogspot blog in India 

You can also add a shop section to your blog!

a. What Products/Services Can You Sell 

The types of products and services you can offer on your BlogSpot blog in India will depend on the blog’s niche. 

Commonly sold items include physical or digital goods such as e-books, tools, templates, courses, audio files, video content, or coaching sessions. 

You could also open a store within your blog featuring related merchandise or create a subscription service offering exclusive content or information. 

When done correctly, this monetization strategy can be an extremely lucrative form of monetization. 

However, it requires careful planning and consideration before getting started if you want to maximize success with this strategy. 

But more on this later.

b. Pros and Cons of Selling Products/Services 


  • It’s a great source of passive income. 
  • It allows you to leverage the reputation and credibility of your blog, offering an additional layer of legitimacy to potential buyers. 
  • It gives you insight into the interests and preferences of your audience, which can help inform future content strategies. 
  • You can easily create bundles or packages that offer greater value for your customers. 
  • Selling digital products or services requires minimal effort once the product is created in terms of storage and delivery. 


  • It requires significant effort up front to create a product or service with value to offer potential buyers. 
  • Digital products can be susceptible to piracy, making it difficult to protect intellectual property rights as a seller and earn full profit margins from sales.  
  • If you are selling physical goods, you will need reliable shipping services and customer support systems in place that require additional overhead costs to maintain. 
  • It can be difficult to stand out from the competition, as there may be many similar products or services sellers. 
  • It may require more effort to market and promote your product or service to a wider audience.

c. Best Practices for Selling Products/Services on your blog 

To make more money with your blogspot blog in India, create a clear value proposition for your product or service. 

Explain why someone should purchase from you over any other vendor. 

Show how your product or service will be beneficial to them in a succinct manner on your blog page. 

Make sure that all product information and descriptions are accurate, up-to-date, and easy to understand so people can make an informed decision when purchasing from you. 

Second, provide multiple payment options so customers have more flexibility when it comes to paying for goods and services they purchase from your blog. 

Offering multiple payment options such as credit cards, PayPal, and other payment systems will help to make it easier for customers to buy from you. 

Third, ensure that all customers can easily access customer service and support after they purchase a product or service from your blog. 

This will help build trust with your customers and provide them a pleasant experience when shopping with you. 

DON’T forget to use online marketing strategies to promote your products and services on your blog. 

Use social media, search engine optimization, and other marketing tactics to spread the word about your blog and your products and services. 

Final Thoughts 

When it comes to monetizing your BlogSpot blog in India, there are a variety of strategies that can be used. 

But first identify the best option for your individual needs and goals. 

For example, if you have an engaged audience who is interested in purchasing products, affiliate marketing or selling digital products may be the best option. 

On the other hand, display advertising may be a more suitable choice if you don’t have much of an audience yet but want to start making money from day one.

Regardless of your chosen approach, you must create content that adds value for your readers. 

Content should always come first, as this will attract visitors and establish credibility with potential marketers or advertisers. 



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